date: 2021/7/14
How to hide overlap parts from the screen while editing the base screen
Two methods are available. Follow the steps below.
[Method 1: Right-click menu]
Display the right-click menu on the screen, and click [Overlap Display] → [ALL] or the number of the overlap part to hide. The overlap part(s) are hidden.
Example: To display/hide the blue overlap part:
- Show
- Hide
The overlap part is hidden and screen editing becomes available.
[Method 2: Display environment settings]
Select [View] → [Display Environment] → [Display] tab window, and uncheck the number of the overlap part to hide next to [Overlap Display]. The overlap part(s) are hidden.
Example: Overlap No. 0 to be hidden
For a display example, refer to [Method 1: Right-click menu].
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