date: 2017/10/2
I want to generate logging data in CSV at the determined time every day.
Use "storage output bit" in logging server and "scheduler function" together.
E.g.) Logging data is output in csv file at 23:00pm everyday:
1) Storage output bit setting
Settings: [System Setting] > [Logging Server] > [Output Destination]
*Storage output bit = command memory to output CSV file.
E.g.) PLC1 device: $u1000-00 is specified for the storage output bit
2) Scheduler settings
In the Scheduler setting, trigger and action must be registered.
Settings: [System Setting] > [Scheduler]
E.g.) 23:00pm every day
E.g.) Set and hold the storage output bit ($u1000-00) for 3 seconds.
With these settings, the storage output bit is set at 23:00 every day and logging data is output in csv format.
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