date: 2017/9/20
How to limit the values that can be entered through the keypad
- Click on the numerical data display part (Function: Entry Target).
Display the [Num. Display] dialog, select [Other Settings] -> [Operation/Alarm] and check [Alarm].
Set a constant or PLC device memory address for [Maximum] and [Minimum].
- To display the maximum value and the minimum value for range limitation on the screen, place two numerical data display parts and on each setting dialog, select [Function], check [Display All] and select [Max. Value Display Part] / [Min. Value Display Part] respectively.
Numerical data in the range from "0" to "100" can be input.
If any value out of the range is input and the [ENT] key is pressed, an error buzzer (peep-peep) sounds and data input will not be accepted.Example: Input "80".
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