This error may be displayed on the configuration software V-SFT when data is transferred.
Possible causes and solutions are given below.
- The size of the screen data to transfer may have exceeded the capacity available with the TS/V series.
- With V606/V606i/V609E:
These products do not support a data transfer rate of 115 Kbps.
The data transfer rate may be set to 115 Kbps.
- Select [Tool] → [List of Memory Use] on the V-SFT editor and check the screen data size.
TS/V8 series
If the capacity is exceeded, make the screen data size smaller.
For example, store data of screens, messages, patterns, etc. on a CF card to reduce the screen data size.
Setting location: V-SFT Ver. 6 editor [System Setting] → [Other] → [Storage Setting]V7 series
If the capacity is exceeded, make the screen data size smaller.
For example, store data of patterns on a CF card to reduce the screen data size.
Setting location: V-SFT Ver. 5 editor [System Setting] → [CF Card Setting]V6 series
If any font other than Japanese fonts is set, select "English" on the Main Menu screen.
Setting location: V-SFT Ver. 5 editor [System Setting] → [Font Setting] - Lower the transfer rate to 57600 bps or less, and transfer data again.
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