date: 2017/9/20
How to find or replace text used in screen data
Follow the steps below.
[When searching for character strings]
Example: Search for character string "switch".
- Click [Tool] -> [Search] -> [Text] to display the [Search] tab.
- Enter "switch" into [Text to search for] and click [Search].
- The search result list shows the occurrences including the character string "switch". *
* When nothing is found, "None / No occurrence." appears.
Example: Display in a list
Select a line with the cursor in the list, double-click on it or click the [VIEWJUMP] icon to jump to the selected item.
To narrow down the search condition, go to step 4.
Example: Double-clicking on the search result below displays screen number 5 and the relevant text is selected. - Click [Option] to display the [Option Setting] dialog. Specify the [Search Range] and [Search condition] and click [OK].
Example: Search for complete matches.
The search result list shows the occurrences of the character string "switch" only.
[When replacing character strings]
Example: Replace "switch" with "SW".
- Select [Tool] → [Search and Replacement] → [Text Search and Replacement] → [Replacement] tab.
- Enter "switch" into [Text to search for] and click [Search].
* Search must be run before replacing.
- The search result list shows the occurrences including the character string "switch". * Enter "SW" into [Replaced text].
* When nothing is found, "None / No occurrence." appears.
To narrow down the search condition, click [Option] (or [Option] icon) and specify the [Search Range] and [Search condition].
- Click [Replace] or [Replace All] to replace the character strings.
* Replaced character strings turn light blue.
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