date: 2021/9/9
MONITOUCH does not recognize the storage dvice.
- The file system of the storage device is not supported.
- The CF card cover is open (V8 series only).
- The error status is set in $s497 (or $s1035 when the USB-A port is used on the V8/TS series).
- The storage device is corrupt.
- The following storage devices can be used with the V/TS series.
Check the file system using a PC and if any other file system is used, format the storage device.
Model Type File System Capacity V8 series CF card
USB flash driveFAT32, FAT 2 GB or less recommended TS2060i SD card
SDHC card
USB flash driveFAT32, FAT 32 GB max. TS1100S
TS1070USB flash drive
FAT32, FAT 32 GB max. V7 series, V608CH CF card FAT 2 GB max. - The V8 series cannot recognize a CF card if the CF card cover is open.
Check if the cover is closed.
(When the DIPSW2 is ON, access to the CF card is possible at all times regardless of whether the cover is opened or not.) - Check the values in system memory $s497 and $s1035. Any value other than "0" indicates an error status.
When this system memory address is assigned to a numerical data display part, monitoring is possible.
For more information about error codes, refer to "CF Card Status". - Check if it is possible to access the storage device from the PC. If not, use another storage device.
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