date: 2021/8/5
A screen in multiple languages is created; however, the displayed language does not change.
- A wrong language number is specified for the switch [Function: Language changeover]. (V8/TS series only)
- The screen is not refreshed after the execution of macro command "CHG_LANG".
- A check mark is not put on the [Transfer Font Setting] tab window. (V8/TS series only)
- Font data for Language 2 and later are not stored on the storage device.
- [Transfer Initial Interface Language] is checked. (V7 series only)
- The V 6 series is used.
- Set the correct language number for the switch.
- The interface language is switched over when the screen is refreshed after the execution of macro command "CHG_LANG".
Refresh the screen as below.
- Switching the screen
- Execution of macro command "SYS (RESET_SCRN)" - Select [System Setting] → [Font Setting] → [Transfer Font Setting], and check the fonts (for Language 2 and later) to be transferred to MONITOUCH.
A storage device is not necessary.
* The more fonts are selected for transfer, the less the available capacity for screen data becomes. If the total capacity is not sufficient, do not select unnecessary fonts. - Store font files of Language 2 and later on a storage device* and insert the storage device into MONITOUCH.
Write font files on the storage device as described below.
For the procedure of storing font files on a storage device, click here.
* In the case of the V8/TS series, language selection is possible without using a storage device. Change the interface language as described in item 2 above. - Select [System Setting] → [Font Setting], uncheck [Transfer Initial Interface Language] and transfer the screen data again.
- The V6 series can have one font file only. Consequently, it is not possible to switch the interface language in the RUN mode because two or more font files are required.
Select [System Setting] → [Font Setting], change the setting for [Initial Interface Language], and transfer the screen data again.
Note that the language selections below are possible in the RUN mode.
Japanese ⇔ English
Chinese ⇔ English
Select the same font for Language 2 as that for Language 1.
Example: To switch between Japanese and English
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