date: 2024/11/11
The lamp lights up even though the bit in the lamp device memory is not ON (OFF).
The lamp device memory is used redundantly.
Check if the same address as the lamp device memory is used in the screen data or in the PLC program.
Depending on the value set for [No. of Patterns], the number of device memory addresses used will vary.Check the availability of these memory addresses.
Example: When five lamps (No. of Patterns: 3) are configured
consecutively from lamp device memory M0000 (bit):
Wrong Correct
When "3" is set for [No. of Patterns], 2 bits are used.
- L1 (M0000/M0001)
- L2 (M0002/M0003)
- L3 (M0004/M0005)
- L4 (M0006/M0007)
- L5 (M0008/M0009)
As the number of patterns is increased, the number of bits used is also increased.
L1 lamp example:
- OFF display M0000 : OFF, M0001 : OFF
- ON display M0000 : ON, M0001 : OFF *
- P3 display M0000 : OFF, M0001 : ON
* Since the higher bits have priority, P3 display is shown when M0001 is ON.
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