date: 2022/8/31
<V-Server> The monitored device comes to a STOP state on V-Server.
Check the following:
Status of monitored device
If the monitorred device (V series or HMI-mode TELLUS) is in a STOP state, V-Server will also be brought to a STOP state. Change the state of the monitored device to RUN.
Is the IP address of the monitored device correct?
In the [Property] dialog box for the monitored device, set the IP addrss of the V series (HMI-mode TELLUS).
- For V9 series, you can check the IP address and the port number from LAN setting screen.
- For HMI-mode TELLUS4, switch to a local screen and go to [File]-> [Ethernet setting] to check the IP address and the port number.
- For HMI-mode TELLUS3/TELLUS2, you can check the IP address and the por number from [Help]->[Version information].
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