date: 2024/11/18
I do not want to show a status bar on the bottom right corner of V series screen.
You can hide the status bar in the following way.
Method 1: Click [x] on the status bar to temporarily hide it.
Method 2: Use "Status Bar Prohibited" setting on V-SFT to always hide it.
Method 1: Click [x] button to temporarily hide it
Click [x] button to hide the status bar.
The status bar will appear again when [SYSTEM] button is pressed or an error is detected.
Method 2: Use "Status Bar Prohibited" setting on V-SFT to always hide it.
Use V-SFT Ver. 6 for configuration.
Go to [System Setting] > [Unit Setting] > [System/Mode switch].
Check "Status Bar Prohibited" option box.
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