date: 2024/11/20
When executing file comparison, screen programs were mismatching though they supposed to be the same.
Use "Text comparison".
If a file agrees with another one using text comparison, they are the same screen program.
Text comaprison is available to check the programs.
During screen editing, internal data structure such as order of the item registered sometimes changes.
Such internal structure information does not affect hardware operation.
When text comaprison is not used, such internal structure is also compared. Thus even same screen programs result in "unmatching".
On the other hand, text comparison does not compare unnecessary part of the data.
[How to use text comparison]
When comparing programs in MONITOUCH and on the configuration software:
Go to [Transfer] > [File Comparing] and check "Text comparison" option box.
Click [PC <->] to start comparison.
When comparing two files:
Go to [File] > [File Comparing] and check "Text comparison" option box.
Select source file and target file and click [OK] to start comparison.
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