date: 2024/11/20
How to clean and disinfect the touch panel surface
Wipe down the surface using a soft cloth dampened with commercial alcohol or ethanol.
* The optional protective sheet, "Vxxxx-GS" and "Vxxxx-GSN10", can be cleaned and disinfected in the same way.
<Descriptions of cleaning and disinfecting>
- Turn OFF power to the MONITOUCH before cleaning and disinfecting.
- Do not apply the solution directly to the surface of the touch panel. Dampen a soft cloth with alcohol or ethanol, and wipe slowly.
- Take care not to rub the housing strongly.
- Check whether the solution is dry before turning ON power to the MONITOUCH.
<If the alcohol or ethanol is not available>
- Use the following solutions.
- Hypochlorous acid solution
- 0.02% sodium hypochlorite solution
* Following solutions are not available for the MONITOUCH.
Cleaner containing surfactant
Organic solvent including acetone, thinners, benzene, etc.
- Don't apply hypochlorous acid solution and sodium hypochlorite on the surface of the control panel.
It may cause paint deterioration or corrosion of the surface. - Dilute sodium hypochlorite before use.
Using the undiluted solution may cause the deformation or dissolution of the panel sheet and housing.
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